Clinton Brewer

Clinton Brewer

Clinton Brewer is a Kombummeri Ngarang-wal man from the Gold Coast area, with his grandmother being from the Nunnucal of Minjerribah , North Stradbroke Island.  

His background is in animal behaviour in a captive setting and in the wild, formerly being a field ranger with Queensland Parks and Wildlife and then spending the majority of his time at David Fleay Wildlife Park. He likes to take a holistic approach to culture, that being its one and the same as ecology - in converseving and rebuilding the jagun or country is to protect and preserve the culture. In his own words Fire, Weeds, Hollows/Nestboxes, Bee Hives, Native plants and Wildlife all feed into what are the three tiers of the cultural ecology of the land - Land country/Oxygen supply/plants, Water country/fresh water /saltwater and finally our Wildlife which are our food and totems. The wildlife are the fabric that bind it all together, being also our cross pollinators and the glue of our environment.