In the past three decades, here at Storyfest we have gone through many changes, new faces, and an ever-expanding calendar of events. What hasn’t changed, however, is our commitment to bringing a love of literature to as many children as possible. To achieve our mission, however, Storyfest relies on the support of our wonderful volunteers, so giving of their time and dedication. Luckily we’ve always had the best cheerleaders around, which is why we want to give back to them.

Storyfest Stalwarts was born as a way of uniting those volunteers, parents, staff, and friends of the festival that have been in our corner even before Storyfest was called Storyfest. Those wonderful humans that make our mission possible, our programmes run smoothly, and the children all the more inspired. The group is here for stalwarts to connect with each other, their passion, and a good cause, all the while honouring the history of Somerset Storyfest. We couldn’t be more thankful for them!

If this sounds like you, we’d love to have you join our Storyfest Stalwarts group – please reach out to us below.