Zanni Louise

Zanni Louise

Zanni Louise has been writing stories since she was little, growing up in country NSW. She now lives with her family of four and a dog called Adeline Lemonade in the Byron Bay hinterland. 

Author of over twenty-five kids’ books, including bestselling picture book series Human-Kind (Five Mile) and Errol (Scholastic), Zanni has been long-listed for CBCA Awards and short-listed for the Australian Book Design Awards. Persistence (Five Mile) was highly commended in the Australian Education Publishing Awards and Human-Kind was voted best picture book series by Bookstagang. Archie and the Bear (Little Hare) was chosen for the International White Ravens catalogue. Zanni's books are published in over twenty foreign territories.

Zanni runs a picture book course online with Anna Pignataro each year. She also teaches picture books and chapter books at the Australian Writers Centre, offers private mentoring, and travels to schools and festivals across Australia, helping creatives achieve their writing dreams.

Zanni's literary works are represented by LK Literary Agency and her speaking and workshops can be booked through Speakers Ink. She is proud to be an author ambassador for Room To Read, an organisation helping to educate children.

Author Presentation (Year 1 to 6)
Create Compelling Stories
Sweaty Brain Editing
What are Values?

Author Presentation (Year 1 to 6)

Duration: 30 to 45 minutes
Suitable for: Year 1 to 6

Workshop Overview
In this engaging presentation, bestselling author children’s author Zanni Louise shares her insights into how her different books are made. She engages the students in a discussion about effective storytelling techniques and challenges them to think about what makes a good story. She also delves into how to develop and harness ideas and be a courageous creative. Students can ask Zanni anything they like!

Topics covered

  • How picture books are made
  • Effective storytelling
  • Writing for different ages
  • Sourcing ideas- Harnessing ideas
  • Zanni’s ‘Secret Story Garden’
  • Being a courageous creative
  • The art of accepting feedback
  • The art of collaboration
  • Picture book reading, in character (optional)
  • Author Q&A
  • Storytelling techniques
  • Problem solving and creativity
  • Effective communication
  • Collaboration and teamwork
  • Working with feedback

Curriculum outcomes

  • Storytelling techniques
  • Problem solving and creativity
  • Effective communication
  • Collaboration and teamwork
  • Working with feedback

Create Compelling Stories

Duration: 1 to 2 hours
Suitable for: Year 3 to 6

Workshop Overview
In this engaging workshop, bestselling author Zanni Louise guides writers through steps to harness creativity and develop compelling stories. Zanni shares tips for overcoming writer’s block and developing fresh story ideas. Writers will develop compelling characters, with strong motivations and challenges, and use the narrative arc to guide characters home to a satisfying resolution. This workshop promotes creative thinking, story development, working positively with feedback, collaboration and confidence presenting work.

Topics covered

  • Create compelling characters readers will connect with
  • Develop a rich and compelling story arc
  • Tips for overcoming writer’s block
  • Tips for editing and story development
  • Story presentation
  • Author Q&A
  • Writes with confidence
  • Problem solving and creativity
  • Effective communication
  • Collaboration and team work

Curriculum outcomes

  • Writes with confidence
  • Problem solving and creativity
  • Effective communication
  • Collaboration and teamwork

Sweaty Brain Editing

Duration: 1 to 2 hours
Suitable for: Year 3 to 6

Workshop Overview
You’ve written a story. Then what? The next step is putting on your editor’s hat and editing! Editing is an essential part of the writing process, but most kids stop at the first draft. In this fun workshop, Zanni leads kids through professional editing techniques they actually like! One Year 3 boy reported after a Sweaty Brain Editing session: ‘I speak for everyone, well myself at least, when I say I discovered how much I loved editing!

Topics covered

  • Structural editing
  • Line editing
  • Show don’t tell
  • And much more

What are Values?

Duration: 30 minutes to 1 hour
Suitable for: Year 1 to 6

Workshop Overview
When is it important to be honest? What is persistence? How can we build courage? Bestselling HumanKind picture book author, Zanni Louise, leads kids in an active conversation about their values. Through stories and anecdotes, kids explore what values are, and what they value.

Topics covered

  • Values & ethics
  • Courage
  • Persistence
  • Honesty
  • Resilience
  • Imagination
  • Kindness